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How joint custody arrangements benefit children of divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2020 | Child Custody, Firm News |

When you had children, you probably envisioned them living alongside you in Georgia until they became old enough to move out on their own. Families change over time, however, and you may now find yourself among those staring down the face of a new joint custody arrangement. Sharing time with your child may not be your first choice, but it may help you adjust to the transition if you recognize how much having both parents in his or her life benefits your son or daughter. 

According to Time magazine, researchers have long studied the impact that divorce has on children. Their findings reveal some interesting information about how children with different custody arrangements tend to fare as they go through adolescence and enter adulthood. 

Key findings 

Arguably the biggest takeaway from the study on childhood custody arrangements and their impacts is that, when compared with kids with divorced parents who lived with just one parent, children whose parents had joint custody arrangements fared better in numerous areas. This contradicts a long-held belief that parents who share custody cause children unnecessary stress by shuffling them between homes. It also gives parents facing new shared custody arrangements a reason to feel hopeful. 

Kids who spent time living with each parent were less likely to have a wide range of social, emotional and health problems, for example. They were less likely to feel sad, isolated or tense than their peers who lived in single-parent homes. They were also less prone to stomach aches and headaches, among other health or emotional issues. 

Possible contributors 

Why is it that children reap so many benefits from splitting time between both parents’ homes? Many argue that kids who live with both parents have twice the access to other family members, material resources and the like, which may make them less stressed or vulnerable. Children who live with both parents are also more likely to have close relationships with both parents, which may help boost confidence and self-esteem. 

Child custody issues are rarely black and white, and joint-custody may not be appropriate in all situations. However, when possible, these arrangements may benefit your child in the long run.