Over 30 Years Of Experience in Family Law And Criminal Defense

Another DUI Charge Could Put Your Future At Risk

As with many other criminal offenses, the number of times an individual repeats a DUI offense correlates directly with the severity of the punishment. In Georgia, there are minimum mandatory penalties for repeat DUI offenders:

  • Second-offense DUI: minimum sentence 90 days (72 hours must be served in jail); minimum $600 fine; mandatory community service; 3-year license suspension; other penalties*
  • Third-offense DUI: minimum sentence 120 days (15 days must be served in jail); minimum $1000 fine; mandatory community service; 5-year license suspension; other penalties*
  • Fourth-offense DUI (felony DUI): minimum sentence 1 year (90 days must be served in jail); minimum $1000 fine; mandatory community service; 5-year license suspension; other penalties*

*(penalties listed applicable to repeat convictions within 10 years; there are additional penalties if repeat conviction is within 5 years) If you are facing charges for underage drinking, second offense DUI or other drunk driving offense, trust in the experience, diligence and commitment of Tom Camp. Call today to schedule an initial consultation.