Enforcement And Contempt
If an ex-spouse or parent is not abiding by the terms of a court order requiring them to follow certain provisions of a settlement agreement, parenting plan, or child support order, more often than not your only viable option is to file an action to hold the offending parent in contempt of court and force them to comply with their obligations.
It is important to know when the conduct of your ex-spouse or the parent of your child warrants the filing of a contempt action. You also want to make sure you have already offered them every opportunity to comply so that when you do pursue a contempt action, you maximize the chances of being reimbursed by the offending ex-spouse or parent for some or all of your attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation.
Sometimes compliance with a court order becomes impossible, has the potential to put the safety of your child at risk, or would just simply be ridiculous under the circumstances. If a contempt action has been filed against you, it is important for you to have an experienced attorney to present the necessary evidence to keep you from being held in contempt of court.